The results are typically quite standard and superficial. Many free tests are currently available on the web. Petiot, an infamous French serial killer who got beheaded for his crimes shortly after WWII. The announcement that everyone had received a standard description was a great shock! Even more so when Gauquelin revealed that the reading was based on birth data (and star positions) of Dr. Also 90% of the respondents’ familiy and friends found the reading spot-on. They were delighted and used words such as “exactly me” and “stunningly accurate”.

Of the respondents, 94% felt that reading was consistent with their personality. Enclosed with the analysis Gauquelin returned a stamped envelope and an invitation to respond. Over 500 curious readers sent in their birth data. In 1968 he placed an ad in the Ici-Paris, in which he offered a free horoscope reading. From: An illustrious variation is that of Michel Gauquelin.

This result has since been the ‘horoscope effect’ or the Forer effect. This experiment has been repeated numerous times, with the average score always being around 4.2. The students did not know they all received the exact same description Forer had set up with snippets from the astrology column in a random newspaper. The average rating was 4.26 on a five-point scale.

After giving out the results, he asked how accurate they felt the description was. Forer conducted an experiment in 1948 in which he gave his students a personality test. If you strongly agree or if the statement is definitely true.Bertram R. If you agree or if the statement is mostly true. If you are neutral about the statement, if you cannot decide, or if the statement is about equally true and false. If you disagree or if the statement is mostly false. If you strongly disagree or if the statement is definitely false. Your spontaneous answer is usually the most accurate.įor each statement choose the response that best represents your opinion:. Describe yourself, as you honestly see yourself, in relation to other people of the same sex and of roughly the same age.Describe yourself as you generally are now, not as you wish to be in the future.Try not to use the 'Neutral' option too often.If you need to change an answer, simply select the new response and the incorrect response will disappear. Double-check that you have made the right choice.Please respond to all of the statements and answer in sequence.Most people take about 15 minutes - please allow yourself plenty of time. This personality test contains 120 statements.